That interests us!
The 21th of November 2015, the french magazine Elle celebrated its 70 years.
On this occasion, the current editor-in-chief of the magazine Olivia de Lamberterie was received by Franck Ferrand during his radio program of 2:00 pm on Europe 1 " At the heart of the history ".
Further to the tragic events of Friday, November 13th, 2015 in Paris, the special issue 70 years was postponed on December 15th. The D-day, I fail miss my train: I shall not leave without the issue in my bag!

Wonderful red cover with dressed french stars in Haute Couture!
But let us dive back in 1945.
End of the Second World War. The women showed courage during all the occupation: resistant politics but also in the work and in the home.
The General de Gaulle offers them the voting right! Finally!
And meanwhile, Hélène Lazareff, who has taken refuge in the USA during all the conflict, has a brilliant vision from his return on Paris: offer to the women a magazine which is totally dedicated to them! Fashion, culture, cooking. In brief, all which speaks about their everyday life!
And as answers it Madam Lazareff to the women who cry on their unhappy love affairs: " Ladies! Work! This is the way you can offer yourselves all the elements to emphasize your assets and have the world in your feet! "
And to motive them Elle finds them every week.
We are far from the family policy of Pétain . No! It is decided! The women will go out of the home and will have their part in the political debate.
The whistle of the departure of the women's movements was given!
And in the name of all the women of the XXIth century: one thank you for this wind of freedom!
Then let us fight not to lose the rights which our grandmothers offered us by their fights …
In the daytime of election, let us move! Let us express our opinion in urns!
In spite of the periods of crisis, let us not let us fool by certain intolerant speeches which would stake us 100 years behind!
And by solidarity with all these women who undergo harassment, discrimination, ban on the termination of pregnancy, the human rights scoffed etc. let us make of our rights duties!
After some time spent in distant cultures, Elodie Oberlé aims to be spokeswomanof the women in the world. And it is by listening to them, by understanding them, by observing them that the line E.O. was born.
She aims to be more than a simple line of ready-to-wear clothing.
It carries a speech, a philosophy and its A.D.N. is the word Love.
Then Dare!